Caren Ware's Blog

November 17, 2013

Taking a shot at it.

Filed under: Uncategorized — Caren Ware @ 9:42 pm














I can honestly say I have “been around the block” a few times. Takes a lot of takes to take running takes. Take 26. Take 31. Take I am sore the next day.

But take that! We are working on the pilot pitch for “Finding Fit”. I like these kind of workouts.

I flew to Florida and spent time ‘riding shotgun’ and timing races with the American RFID representative. Just to practice, much the same way you do as an athlete. It is my style. I have been in the timing industry for over two decades. Electronics and the programs that propel them are on a constant move so I wisely train not only to race, but to TIME races. I have an adventure based timing company called Itz ABOUT TIME. This company is doing more than just timing. Most exciting are some new developments.  We are taking innovative and entrepreneur steps for a new event series, developing and calendaring some supreme track clinics, and most exciting, pitching a live reality show called “FINDING FIT”.

“FINDING FIT” is not about me, but its letting you follow me to fit events, fit places, ferreting out fun, fit opportunities.  It is about my lifestyle, my temperament, my ability to go places…met people… and find things to do. Interesting, sometimes tangent, random, off the wall things, amazing things.   I put it on a test drive while in Florida.

I met so many interesting people, and places, and opportunities to play , be, and enjoy fitness in Florida so worth the  love of sharing them with you.  Random. Take note of the young family that has their kids running.  The little girl is happy to run a 5k at the young age of six. Dad’s not pushing her to.  He is guiding her how to.  She is proud of her Nike running shoes and her matching Nike running shorts. This dad runs a  mile every other day with each kid.  Gives them time with dad and gets them in shape.  What a gift to them for a lifetime.  Way to go dad.

Thank you yoga instructor, Julie Torsiello whom you can greet and meet on for leading me through your class. Astounded at your flexibility and agility…and your age! And telling me about Cool clothes in more ways than one. Believe me, clothes in Florida need to be vented.

It was a full privilege to tour JoeyD’s ( state of the art fitness facility focusing on fitness that will help a Golfer’s game. Can’t complain how its layered the looks of the young and successfully superstarish, Keegan Bradley, who faithfully puts in training time each available day in addition to drills and practice on the golf course. There is a reason he is a PRO and ranked top 10 in the world. I have seen solid athleticism come out of specialty training and focused coaching .Cheer, cheer for JoeyD’s. For me, One to One Wellness ( ) in Jackson Wyoming has been my find. Through them, I have the perfect trainer who can help me plan and obtain fitness goals tailor suited for me.  Cheer.  Cheer for personal trainer Rob.

And before I head on to other things past Florida, I want to thank a random 65 year old lady walking along the beach for asking to  join whatever wacky moves I was doing.  She did all the track leg warm ups at her pace and lift height and also did abs right plopped in the sand. We giggled. Why erase that childlike joy of just moving, jumping, rolling, and literally playing in the sand. What a be-fitting find these days were.  Keep following me as we FIND FIT.  I am about to add some additional adventures that will still take you to all seven continents and the indigenous peoples.  Did you know I signed up to run the Kilimanjaro Marathon at the base of that beastly 19,000 foot mountain in Africa and than will climb it . That takes place February , 2014.  Soon enough to beef up the training.  I will also be representing the USA at the World  Masters Track & Field Indoor Championships in Budapest, Hungary end of March.  It will be a busy task .  All things grounded with a job in public parks & recreation.

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November 1, 2013

Getting on the right track

Filed under: Uncategorized — Caren Ware @ 11:18 pm

ON THE RIGHT TRACK! Wonder where all the wandering is going? That’s the point and the wonder of it all…it is not easy daring to do what most of us dare not. I signed on to run in the Indoor Track & Field World Championships in Budapest ,Hungary end of March, 2014, but not before I tackle yet another continent marathon. Soon to let you in on the journey to the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Africa for a 26.2 mile run and then an ascent up that 19,000 foot geographical beast of a mountain and to get to know Kenyans and the beast of challenges the Kenyans face. Found a ‘perfect’ place to train the track in Chula Vista and a ‘perfect’ place to train for Kilimanjaro in Jackson, Wyoming. No bother, that they are close to 1,000 miles apart!















IMG_3287I hope I have also found the perfect job. I am returning to recreation based administration job and still hobby the timing and producing events. But with the series and recreation jobs, I am striving to be on the people end of things more than the production, volume, and number end of things. I spent the year getting back in touch with the ground, my feet, my agility, my body. I learned to hop across streams again. Climb rocks. Scale mountains. Be confident on a frozen continent…Antarctica. Ride a bike again, although I have a newly added gash on my shin to add to the other leg scars collected from all this outdoor learning. I got down to California. Took my bike out of the back end of the truck. Clipped in and instantly proceeded to fall over fully locked into the sprocket. Ouch. The chain had derailed in the journey down from Jackson. But I hadn’t. I now knew how to get up, ignore a little blood, dust off, put the chain back on the rail, and peddle on. I could not say I could have done that a year ago, my confidence, though I did not want to admit it, was sorely dashed in going through a divorce. I had to almost teach myself how to live and be and be capable again. Can I be thankful of the process, God’s grace, and some key experiences and very random and unforeseen people in my life. I left if you remember last summer daring and dragging a trailer behind my truck past Yosemite, over Tioga Pass, and through the Nevada desert in the middle of the night to find myself on a dead end dirt road and an immense salt flat. I have so much to tell you still about that year, and so much to strive forward into this next. I am about to keep embarking. I dare not not to.

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